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Headspace Health at Home

[Intro by Alex Noble]

The last sixty days or so have been a bit of a whirlwind. What started as a bizarre situation in which we were confined to our homes, swiftly became the new normal. In some cases, routines were amended instead of dissolved; morning alarms remained a constant, fitness regimes were not forgotten, and work ethic did not wane.

I feel a sense of personal pride because I believe I achieved the above, but I certainly can't take all the credit for staying motivated. The likes of our resident health and wellbeing expert, Rory Warnock (@RoryWarnockWellness) ensured my priorities remained in tact, helping me view lockdown as un-borrowed time and a fantastic opportunity to educate and better myself.

Rory has put together a short guide on rules he follows to enhance headspace health at home...


1. Look after your mental health.

2. Have a morning routine:

It's important to start your day right. I’ve researched this a huge amount and found the following works well:

  • Morning meditation or breath practice (look out for my blog on this coming soon)

  • Journaling; I write four affirmations, five gratitudes and five intentions

  • Flexibility and mobility work

The above will help start your day in a mentally positive state, as you're immediately giving back to your mind and body.

3. Ensure you are breathing correctly:

Something that may sound so simple, but all of the below are associated with dysfunctional breathing, which can lead to feeling stressed and anxious:

  • Breathing in your upper chest

  • Shallow breathing

  • Fast breathing

  • Breathing through your mouth

4. Write a ‘to-do’ list:

  • This will keep you focused and on-track to meet your goals.

5. Try and remove yourself from your phone at least an hour before bed.

  • This will certainly alleviate anxiety levels, and allow your mind to rest and switch off.

6. Follow social media accounts that help you feel fulfilled or educate you:

  • There’s a huge amount of garbage out there. Fact.

  • If you’re looking for health and fitness inspiration, ensure you're following well-educated experts, instead of self-proclaimed fitness experts who have adopted fame via a trash TV. (cough Love Island cough)


1. Don’t roll out of bed, immediately stumble onto your computer and begin work with your eyes half shut.

  • Wake up, enjoy a morning routine, shower, freshen up, and then crack on with your day.

  • And if this requires you to get up slightly earlier to enjoy some self-love in the morning, then I'd say do it!

2. Don't go to bed and spend hours flicking through social platforms:

  • This won’t allow your mind to wind down and you’ll subsequently have a poor sleep.

3. Don’t compare yourself to other people - Especially 'influencers':

  • You may see some people on social media doing some crazy and exciting things, try not to let this get to you.

  • Don't fall down the rabbit hole - if you can follow my six Always tips, you'll begin to appreciate yourself a whole lot more.

I hope these help you achieve a clearer headspace during these unprecedented times but I really want to stress you should try to exercise these on a daily basis, no matter the global situation. They're small changes that can deliver big rewards.

Look out for my fitness at home post, coming soon.

Have a great day!

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