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  • Writer's pictureAlex Noble

Six Lockdown Habits I'm Taking with Me

I have little doubt no two people have endured the same lockdown experience, not even those who live in the same household. The physical and mental effects of an unprecedented situation like this are bound to present a bespoke and personal journey.

There are those who have been extremely proactive, whilst others have embraced this un-borrowed time as a much-needed switch-off. Some have experienced a greater workload, and then there are the millions who have been handed a lifeline via the Government furlough scheme.

All of the above have been enforced changes, out with our control.

For the purpose of this piece, I want to focus on the personal changes we’ve actively made and habits we’ve discovered during lockdown.

And If you are finding it tough, perhaps the below are some solid suggestions for you to try. I’m also extremely welcoming of any additional suggestions you may have!

Consistent Exercise

Exercise has played a huge role in catalysing positive moral, and a special shout out must go to all of the fitness and wellbeing coaches who continued to teach their craft (a lot of them for free) digitally.

A Case study: My good friend Andrew has exercised in some capacity for 55 days straight (and counting). In fact, he's had somewhat of a lifestyle re-vamp, exchanging pints, eating out and minimal cardio, to clean eating, less drinking and daily exercise – the result has been a 15kg weight-loss so far. You can feel the positivity oozing out of him.

I’ve Always been a believer that a healthy body helps lead to a healthy mind; so let’s keep moving!

I challenge myself, Andrew, and anyone else, to keep motivating yourself to exercise regularly; it will pay dividends when we embrace the new-new-normal of post-lockdown life.


Something I Always wanted to try but Never found the time for; and then suddenly I was presented with 23 hours per day to utilise and my excuses became redundant.

I’m not going to lie and say I’m now super spiritual, nor am I fuc**ng flexible, but I have loved learning about yoga and practicing a few times a week to add variation to my daily routine.

There are plenty of online tutorials so you can practice in the comfort of your own home. That’s where you’ll find me.

A personal favourite is Yoga with Adriene - perfect for those just starting out! RoryWarnockWellness also offers fantastic 1-1 tutoring.

Staying Connected

Communication tools have introduced a new norm to socialising, whether it’s fitness, dating, or quiz nights.

I’d Always pride myself on being fairly good at keeping in touch with people (sorry if you think otherwise) but during this time, I’ve consciously made the effort to regularly connect with friends situated in all corners of the globe and it’s been amazing.

The key is not to let it slip. <<< You have it in writing.

Expanding Culinary Horizons

And then there’s food; a key topic of conversation each day within my household, with us all (minus dad) vying for a spot in the kitchen to develop and showcase our culinary skills, impress our critics and perhaps pass some time.

I’ve Always cooked but now I love 'proper cooking'. We’ve said adios to fish fingers, chips and beans and welcomed ‘the process’ A.K.A. something a little more technical. Chicken Pad Thai, pan fried duck breast and a beautiful carbonara to name but a few.

Glass of red, good tunes and a straightforward recipe is a combination I’ll be taking to the grave.

Proper Down Time

It’s simple really – quality not quantity.

Everyone needs to switch off, but I’ve found an entire day, devoted to laziness and binging a series just makes me feel guilty.

However, a productive day ending with reading, watching an episode (or two) of something, or some old-fashioned chin-wagging with family or friends, is a lot more fulfilling for me. Find what works for you and embrace it!

Oh, and throwing your phone away thirty minutes before bed can do wonders for sleep quality.


An area where some men thrive and others falter but at the end of the day, the effort you put in is completely down to personal preference.

For me, it's amazing what looking in the mirror and seeing a fresh face can do to one’s moral and confidence. I've Always been fairly diligent when it comes to personal upkeep, but relied on public services a lot, which can cost a lot - lockdown has taught me a bit of time and effort can go a long way when it comes to personal grooming.

Check out my lockdown grooming guide for extra tips and product insights.


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