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Style in the City 101

Updated: May 27, 2020

Dressing appropriately is part and parcel of working in the City and it doesn’t take a genius to recognise it’s a territory enveloped in tradition. Unspoken laws still govern how men dress within the Square Mile but there is a growing tendency for men to go ‘off-piste’ with their fashion.

Whether it’s your first day in the City or your last, below are my tips and tricks on how to not only survive, but be an absolute Boss within an unforgiving environment.


A dapper suit can say a lot about a man, but a decent lid can define him.

Wander round Leadenhall Market and you will quickly become accustomed to an ecosystem built around low to medium fades. It's a strong look but my advice, Always exercise with caution to avoid the Peaky Blinders resemblance - it's not exactly a professional look. A successful trip to the barbers, isn't Always easy to achieve.

Elsewhere, a strong beard game has now become the mark of the sophisticated as opposed to the unkempt. Taking this into account, if you’re going to grow a beard ensure it’s the full works – shoddy beard = shoddy bloke.

Check out our grooming guide here.


Some say there’s no point being in the City if you’re not going to get yourself a nice whistle.

Top tip – Never choose black; nobody wants to shake hands with an Undertaker.

M&S is Always a viable option, especially if you don’t want to spend serious wedge but for those venturing in and around Leadenhall get yourself to Suit Supply for some seriously gorgeous ensembles.

And remember, Always get it tailored, an ill-fitting suit is Never a good look.


Ties have become fashion accessories in the 21st century as opposed to just an ‘extra’ - these days patterns frequently include animals and random trinkets as opposed to the plain cravats of old.

My two cents is keep one or two pattered ties in the artillery for the right occasions but Never opt for novelty, and steer clear of skinny ties at all costs; they’ll make you look like an apprentice on the Topman Graduate Scheme, not a world class Chief in the City.

You could do a lot worse than a visit to the chaps at Turnbull & Asser for some friendly advice.


Stick with white as it’s Always a safe option it goes with any suit or tie regardless of the colour. A light blue or pink is acceptable from time to time.


A tailored trouser goes a long way in defining the cut of a suit and it’s Always advisable to take in the bottom of a trouser leg to avoid needless flapping.

Belts aren’t a necessity but should Always match the shoe colour.


These bad boys are increasingly becoming a fashion statement in the City - it’s not uncommon to see brightly coloured socks ranging from yellows; greens; reds and pinks.

These tend to be married up with a tailored trouser leg, tapered at the ankle.

A reliable go to: London Sock Company (pictured above). They do some brilliant boxsets for bulk buying, for example their 'Simply Colourful' 15-pair box. A pair for every day of the week for a fortnight, plus one to spare!

Always wear loud socks with confidence – it takes a bold man to pull them off.


Oxfords are the go-to for both the young and the old.

There’s a growing trend to sport tasselled loafers (which were traditionally an ‘Old Boy’ type of shoe) and these can often be seen accompanying the previously mentioned statement socks.

Remnants of the old adage ‘No brown in town’ are still noticeable in the City so don’t be surprised if you’re on the receiving end of some seriously dirty looks if you don the brown.


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