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  • Writer's pictureAlex Noble

Virtual Dates that Might Actually Work

Dating has never been easier. Currently, with the likes of Zoom, Hinge and House Party thriving, we are embracing the 'No you hang up,' kind of love.

When lockdown was first announced, everyone except the cast of Love Is Blind's heart skipped a beat for all the wrong reasons. Romantic moments with either potential or existing loved ones (in different households), were no-go’s for the foreseeable future…And then, like Always, the human race adapted.

Suddenly, apps were encouraging people to date virtually, with 70% of users apparently stating they’d be willing to try it (not sure where Hinge and Tinder actually pulled those figures from).

As we’re all aware, online dating has evolved from those going on a Tinder date being labelled ‘desperate’, to married couples first meeting on Hinge becoming the norm. It’s hardly a surprise we’ve easily acclimatised to lockdown dating life.

Here’s a few virtual dating ideas that may actually work...(and no I haven't tested them myself but any offers will be warmly received).

Candle Lit Delivery Roulette

Ahh, the classic romantic dinner in for two. A bottle of wine, something delectable reducing over the stove and Norah Jones-esque soothing tunes serenading you through speakers. Sadly, these moments can’t be shared with (potential) loves ones right now.

Or so we thought...Check out this great recipe for romance below:


- 2 x Willing Participants

- 2 x Candle lit tables

- 2 x Laptops with webcam

- 2 x Deliveroo or Uber Eats accounts (other food delivery services are available)

- 2 x Your drink of choice (a nice touch would be to get the same bottle of wine and drink it together)


- Create as romantic a setting as possible I.e. candles, ambient music, mood lighting, gladrags on etc.

- Nominate someone in your household to wait on you (optional)

- Place your laptop in front of you and log on video chat

- Crack open the wine. The same bottle is preferable to allow you both the opportunity to bullshit your way through a sommelier-like analysis

- Order your date's dinner and send it to their address but Shh no telling, you'll ruin the surprise.

- Ding Dong! – Answer the door and sit down to whatever has been selected for you...

- And what happens for the rest of the night is up to you...

If successful, why not try one of the below for dates two, three and four.

Get Creative – Get Crock’d

If you’re the creative type, you may love the idea of doing arts and crafts whilst on a date. And even if you're not, I wouldn't discount this concept just yet.

This is the ice berg of craft sets. Yes, on the surface it does what it says on the tin but the real value lies much deeper. It encourages young adults to get out of their heads and into their hands, whilst embracing meaningful conversation. Something I believe to be paramount on a date.

In this day and age when most dates rely on alcohol and technology, this offers another avenue (albeit with the use of technology to share the experience at this current time); building something from nothing. Whether that's simply a new mug, or a relationship, it's entirely up to you...

Get Crock’d offers the perfect icebreaker, that’ll certainly take your mind off the pressures of dating. By the end of it you’ll (hopefully) have a gift to pass on to each other when lockdown ends…a memento of your first date. How. Bloody. Romantic.

Netflix party

It’s simple really…watch a movie together, eat popcorn, make your own version of a Tango Ice Blast and enjoy cute conversation without getting Shhh’d like you would in the cinema.

Just do it in two different locations via Netflix Party.

I cannot guarantee your date will appear like in the above picture - that's up to you and your groundwork.

Visit a Famous Place Without Leaving Home

Something cultural perhaps?

If your bedroom walls are slightly lacking the works of Picasso, Dali and Rembrandt (Rule one: do your homework in advance), be adventurous and transport your date to the heart of the world’s most romantic city – minus any passport control!

A virtual tour of the Louvre, where the walls are adorned with sensational artwork, alongside a certain je ne sais quoi, has the potential to really impress your date.

Jazz things up a little further by popping a bottle of bubbles whilst you peruse the museum and discuss the art...

Alternatively, you could attempt the tour, allow the bubbles to go to your head, subsequently forget the tour and drunkenly chat the night away.


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